
The Perfect Money Management System For Busy Moms!

With Cash Only Confidence, you'll be able to learn the cash envelope system.

In only 20 minutes per month, you’ll be able to ditch your credit cards, simplify your budgeting, and stop making impulse purchases. 

Purchase Cash Only Confidence now for $27!

The average American household has over $15,000 in credit card debt. 

The truth is that consumer debt is at an all-time high.

Credit cards (more than one), student loans, car payments, and a mortgage (if you're lucky), are eating away at our income.

  • 80% of Americans are in debt and have no idea how to get out.
  • As of September 2021, consumer debt is $14.96 TRILLION (with a T).
  • The average American debt total among US consumers is almost $93,000!

We are feeling suffocated and are desperately looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

The system has tricked us and trained us to spend more than we make.

Of course, you think about retirement, the kid's college, and paying off your house (those big, future goals).

But really, now, you just want to have the cash on hand to...

  • enjoy an afternoon shopping with Starbucks in hand and feel like you're actually saving money (instead of paying all that credit card interest)
  • whip out a $20 bill when your daughter needs money for a field trip and not spend 45 minutes running from school to the bank and back to school
  • have a double date with another couple and not feel anxious when the bill comes because you might be playing roulette with the credit cards again

You want all these things but:

You take out a credit card to buy something nice, and before you know it, you're drowning in debt. 

You don't realize that your spending habits are holding you back from reaching your goals.

You have too much debt and you can't stop overspending.

It's causing a lot of stress, terrible money fights, and so much anxiety.

You can feel good about your spending!

With Cash Only Confidence you'll learn to gain more control over your money without confusing budgeting apps, time-sucking spreadsheets, or expensive budget planners.

In only 20 minutes per month, you’ll be able to ditch your credit cards, simplify your budgeting and stop making impulse purchases. 

With this cash envelope system, you'll never overspend again!  

Cash Only Confidence

  • 60 page Master Guide with everything you need to know about using cash to manage money (eBook and workbook delivered straight to your inbox)
  • Printable DIY cash envelope wallet divider (to turn any full wallet into a cash envelope wallet)
  • Bank teller slips (to get the denominations you want and make your Bank Teller smile)
  • Expense tracker (to keep track of how much cash you have)
  • Basic cash envelope (just in case you wanna be basic)
  • 10 Printable Cash Envelopes (5 for everyday use and 5 for holidays and special occasions)

Total value: $47

  • Understand why a cash-only system matters so that you can manage your home and be a better mom with a minimal time commitment (and spend more of that time with your kids).
  • Learn to get back to money basics so that you can stop impulse buying and spend where you find the most value.
  • The confidence you need to finally gain control over your money because Cash Only Confidence gives you the tools to make that happen.
  • The knowledge to know where your money is going and NEVER pay interest again.
  • Finally, change your relationship with money once and for all...starting now.

Imagine if you could...

1) Save money by not overspending at Target because you know there's only $100 in your cash envelope wallet for this haul.

2) Feel more confident in your ability to cover any expense that pops up from the Geiser spouting hot water heater to Bella the dog's third UTI this year.

3) Get your nails done on a whim... and not feel bad that you're treating yourself to something nice again.

4) Experience the joy of not fighting with your husband about money but instead, having the cash for two dinner dates a month and a bonus ice-cream afternoon outing (without kids).

What if you could afford more of what mattered most?

You can have it all and keep it simple.

You've heard of cash envelopes before but you aren't sure how that's going to help you pay for a family vacation this summer to the beach.

The last thing you want to do is feel humiliated at the cash register at Starbucks trying to get your $10 bill out of an envelope.

What would your friends think of your new weird money system?

You have questions... Cash Only Confidence has ALL the answers.

Hi. I'm Sara and I almost lost our house...

As a busy mom of two small boys (one with severe special needs), I couldn't figure out how to live within our budget.

It was too easy for me to buy things impulsively when I was feeling down or just needed a little pick-me-up. I was being reckless.

Then when it came time to pay the bills, I couldn't figure out why we were broke. My husband and I were earning pretty good money, yet something was terribly wrong. I was so overwhelmed.

One bill would be due and I would skip it because another bill was overdue.

I thought if I could skip the electric bill to pay the cable, missing a mortgage payment was no big deal.

Seriously who does this?

My family would notice if the cable or electricity was off. That I couldn't hide.

And then when I did try to catch up on the mortgage payments after three months, THE BANK told me it was too late and we were in foreclosure proceedings.

Yup...three months late... foreclosure...

Even then, I wasn't telling my husband anything. I thought I could fix it and he would never know.

Until they woke my husband up and served him with foreclosure papers.

I. Was. Humiliated.

I thought for sure we wouldn't be able to recover from the mess. Thankfully, we figured it out and kept our home.

Here's the lesson...

I felt like I was drowning. I felt embarrassed, anxious, alone, and tired (oh so tired). I knew something had to change so I started a cash only lifestyle system that works for women who struggle from juggling too much.

I knew the system was good and it had to be shared along with our debt-free journey (paying off over $70,000 in debt PLUS the house we almost lost).

I know the system works. It's the same one I've been teaching my one-on-one coaching clients and the same one we still use to this day.

So...I stopped teaching preschool and became a Certified Financial Coach.

The system is an easy way for you to take control.

Cash Only Confidence is the secret to getting out of debt that your husband doesn't know about... yet.

It's time for you to feel confident with money, reach your goals (while setting an amazing example for your kids), and afford more of what you want.

Wanna see inside Cash Only Confidence?

Cash Only Confidence

  • 60 page Master Guide with everything you need to know about using cash to manage money (eBook and workbook delivered straight to your inbox)
  • Printable DIY cash envelope wallet divider (to turn any full wallet into a cash envelope wallet)
  • Bank teller slips (to get the denominations you want and make your Bank Teller smile)
  • Expense tracker (to keep track of how much cash you have)
  • Basic cash envelope (just in case you wanna be basic)
  • 10 Printable Cash Envelopes (5 for everyday use and 5 for holidays and special occasions)


  • Everything you need to know about using cash including how to manage cash only with a family (and a plastic loving husband)
  • Answers to hard questions like how to shop online and making large purchases
  • Techniques to ease concerns over safety and where to keep cash

It's perfect for you if:

  • You're done with overspending and impulse buying on things you don't need
  • You still want to practice self-care, enjoy your children, and date your husband
  • You know you need to manage money better and ditch the debt

A Closer Look at Cash Only Confidence

With this fail-safe system, you'll achieve your money goals in no time!

Here's what you'll love about this product:

  • My secret sauce strategy to help you stop impulse buying, overspending, and blowing money.
  • The fool-proof method to accomplish all your financial goals while still enjoying life and having nice things.
  • An easy and fast way to manage money without all the big math.

You'll love this system because:


This workbook is easy to follow and a simple read through. Perfect to read on your device while your babies are asleep or print out, go through the exercises, and implement the strategies.


This system was created by a certified financial coach for moms like you that want to do better for their families. Years of experience has shown me that women don't need another budgeting printable. They need actionable steps to stop overspending.


I'm committed to helping all of my customers reach their goals! I take your success seriously - when you win, so do I!

Are you ready to have more money in your wallet?

You'll LOVE this if:

  • You've heard about cash envelopes and sinking funds and are ready to learn more
  • You don't have time for countless printables each month and just want to get money and be done
  • The idea of always being in control of your money and still going shopping at Target (with a fancy coffee) makes your heart happy

This isn't for you if:

  • You refuse to give up your credit cards with those "cash back" options and "free" airline miles
  • You're convinced that cash is never going to make you good with money
  • You think that debt is just a way of life and it will always be a part of yours.


This is a crazy good deal. Are you sure this isn't a scam?

This is not a scam and was created by a trusted certified financial coach. Cash Only Confidence and the others in this package are products you can trust. It's being offered at this super low price because 1) it's a low price for a very limited time and 2) I'm committed to helping you get a jump start on your financial goals.

How long will it take to go through the system?

It will take about 20 minutes to read through the ebook and 15 - 20 minutes to work through the questions (depending on how much you want to put into it). You will be able to see results by the end of your next paycheck cycle. The feeling of being in control of your money will happen immediately.

How will I get the system after I purchase it?

These are all digital downloads that will be delivered straight into your inbox upon payment.

What all comes with the purchase?

Cash Only Confidence and all bonuses are digital downloads. Nothing will be mailed. Depending on which package you purchase will depend on which products you receive.

Do you offer refunds?

Because I'm 100% sure you'll love this system, I offer a 30-day money back guarantee.


If for any reason, you're not happy with your purchase, simply email me your receipt within 30 days and I'll gladly refund your money.

Grab Cash Only Confidence Now!

One more time here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase

Cash Only Confidence!

  • Everything you need to know about using cash including how to manage cash only with a family (and a plastic loving husband)
  • Answers to hard questions like how to shop online and making large purchases
  • Techniques to ease concerns over safety and where to keep cash

Total value: $47

Today's price: $27

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